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Green Tomato Pickle

I know that many of you love gardening and summer  is coming soon.I know for sure that the first plant you will plant is tomato.Each year we grow lots of green tomato  at our garden.Sometimes tomatoes grow  in so abundance  we get in trouble what  to do with extra green tomato after sharing with friends.Here is a Green Tomato Pickle recipe that you can keep at home  for years. It tastes great with white rice and Biriyani. Green Tomato Pickle is a popular appetizer in south-east asia cultural food.

Prep Time:15 Minutes
Cook time: 45 Minutes

Ingredients: (Base)
1. 5 cups green tomato (cut into pieces)
2. 1 cup tamarind paste (Soak the tamarind in water and use the thick paste)
3. 1 tsp salt
4. 1 cup brown sugar  or jaggery. You can put more based on your liking of sugar
5. 1 cup vineger as preservative.
6. 1 cup mustard or extra virgin olive oil.You can use any other oil too.But pickle tastes great with mustard oil.

Optional :
1. 6 or 7 garlic cloves or 1 tbsp garlic powder
2. 2 Bay leaf
3. 1 tsp ginger powder
4. 1 tsp cumin powder
5. 1 pinch of black seeds (roasted)
6. 1 tbsp dark mustard seeds (slightly smashed)
7. 1 cinnamon stick
8. 1 tsp chat masala powder
9. 2 pinch of  green cardamom powder or 4 whole cardamom
10. 1 tsp red chili powder if you want hot and spicy.
11. 1 tbsp fennel seeds (roasted)


1.Cook the tomato in the microwave for about 15 min. until it get cooked thoroughly.
2.Heat a  nonstick cooking pan with oil (do not use any  silver colored steel pan)
then add all the ingredients including cooked tomato.Cook it for 45 min. in a medium to low heat
until everything turns out into dark brown to black.
3.You have to stir the gravy occasionally so that it does not get burned or get sticked in the pan  while cooking for 45 to 50 mintues.
4.After it gets dark brown and smell is all around , let it cool down for 2 hours and pour it in a glass or plastic jar.After cooking you can discard bay leaf and cinnamon stick .
Enjoy and have fun.

P.S The reason why I  put the optional ingredients is that many people donot like the smell of  various spices.If you want ,you can skip any of the optional  ingredients.But if you put all the spices in the pickle , the pickle will turn out really good.