Top 10 Foods to Lower Blood Pressure:
Following are some foods which help in reducing high blood pressure levels:
- 1.Sunflower Seeds:
This is one of the best foods to lower blood pressure. This is a best way to consume magnesium. Sunflower seeds has phytosterols, that reduce cholesterol levels in the body. High cholesterol levels can cause high blood pressure and causes blockage of arteries. However, make sure that you eat unsalted sunflower seeds.
- 2.Spinach: This is a very good source of magnesium. Spinach protects from heart diseases and also lowers blood pressure. Besides, folate in spinach protects the body from homocysteine by making chemicals harmless. Researches revealed that high amino acid levels cause strokes and heart attacks.
- 3.Beans,peas and Lentils:
Beans contain high magnesium levels and potassium. These are effective in reducing blood pressure levels.Beans, Peas and Lentils – This group of foods provides plenty of protein and needed nutrients while being low in fat and other substances that can reduce higher blood pressure.
- 4.Banana:
This fruit provides quick energy boost. Also, it is a rich source of potassium. Its high fiber content helps in preventing cardiovascular diseases. According to the studies, one banana a day help in eliminating hypertension.
- 5.Soy:
Soy has numerous health benefits. One among them is it lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Isoflavones in this helps in lowering blood pressure.
- 6.Potatoes:
Health benefits of potatoes are always overlooked because it is always prepared in unhealthy ways like baked or fries and are covered with cream or cheese. However, potatoes are rich in potassium and fiber and thus helps in reducing blood pressure levels.
- 7.Dark Chocolate:
A good news for chocolate lovers. The flavonoids present in chocolate help in reducing blood pressure levels by stimulating the production of nitric oxide. Nitric acid signals the muscles to relax, resulting in increased blood flow. Dark chocolate reduces the bad cholesterol levels. But, people has to eat small amounts of chocolate to obtain other health benefits.
- 8.Avocados:
Oleic acid in avocados aid in reducing cholesterol levels. Apart from this, it also has folate and potassium which are essential for healthy heart.
- 9.Fish:
Tuna, cod, salmon and halibut are rich in potassium. It is also suggested for high omega-3 content that aids in protecting heart. It is best to have fresh fish than the canned fish.
- 10.Skim milk:
This is best choice for obese people or anyone who plans to reduce weight. Apart from a god source of protein and calcium, skim milk contains vitamin D. This along with calcium alleviates blood pressure. However, it can be a part of the healthy diet as it is useful to enhance cardiovascular health.
- 11.Garlic – Garlic is one of the most effective herbal remedies for high blood pressure, and this herb has been used for hundreds of years to promote good health. Garlic contains sulfur compounds which play a part in your blood pressure, and studies have shown populations which eat garlic frequently have a lower average blood pressure than populations which do not.
- 12.Oranges – Even the best blood pressure monitor in the world is not effective in keeping hypertension under control without a healthy diet. Oranges and orange juice provide potassium, vitamin C, and many other nutrients your body needs to keep an ideal blood pressure.
- 13.Zucchini – Any diet for high blood pressure should include zucchini. This vegetable has many vitamins and minerals, and is high in potassium for blood pressure control.
- 14.Cucumber: A natural diuretic, cucumber will help hydrate and lower the pressure in the arteries. Eat 2 fresh cucumbers every day for 2 weeks.
- 15.Pomegranate Juice--A 2004 study published in the Journal of Clinical Nutrition illustrated the effectiveness of pomegranate juice in lowering blood pressure. In this research project, patients with severe cartoid artery blockages drank an ounce of pomegranate juice daily for a year and experienced a 20 percent drop in their blood pressure readings.
- With essential hypertension, doctors are usually unable to pinpoint a cause which led to the problem.
- Secondary hypertension involves cases where the problem is caused by an existing condition.
High blood pressure also has a genetic component. In such cases, individuals can still benefit from increased exercise, better diet, limiting alcohol intake and avoiding habits like smoking. Learning relaxation techniques to reduce stress can also help to relieve high blood pressure.
P.S- Part of the article is taken from .
P.S- Part of the article is taken from .