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Some Kitchen Tips-III

  • Egg: Keep boiled eggs in cold water for 5 minutes, this will make removal of the shell easier!
  • Sambar Powder:Store Sambar powder and Rasma powder in the deep freezer. This will keep the fresh aroma for a longer time.
  • Eggplant:Always soak cut egg plants (brinjal) in water otherwise it will turn black!
  • Pickles:Never use stainless steel spoons for pickles, this will react with the acids in the pickle!
  •  Egg Scramble: For spongy egg scramble add 3 tsp of milk while beating.
  • Smelly Foods: While cooking smelly foods, soak a cloth towel and let it dry in the cooking area. It will absorb the smell of cooking and keep the room fresh!
  • Onions: Always fry onions in a little oil and then grind. Raw onion paste will turn bitter immediately!
  • Carrot: Cut the top of the carrot and store in air tight bag. This will keep it fresh for a longer period!
  • Bananas: Put the bananas in a black plastic bag before keeping it in the refrigerator - skin will not turn black and they will come out yellow even after a week! 
  • Carrots: Lemon juice added to carrot  will help keep the color bright!These tips are still just old-wives tales. This  is fun to read. There are a few things in this list that DO work to some extent,again some  may not work to many cases.So, viewers discretion is required.