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Home Remedy for High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure (hypertension) is often called the "silent killer" since it is one of the leading risk factors associated with heart attacks, stroke, and kidney failure but it has no clearly identifiable symptoms. Since it is estimated that one in three adults in  USA suffer from high blood pressure, it is extremely important to get your blood pressure checked regularly by your doctor.

Natural Home Remedy from Your Own Kitchen:

1.Using Garlic as a Natural Cure for High Blood Pressure:

Studies have shown that eating just a single clove a day (either raw or cooked) has a beneficial effect. An added bonus for eating garlic is that it is also known to reduce cholesterol. Therefore, regularly consuming garlic, either fresh or in capsule form, is a great way to reduce your risk of heart disease.

2.Home Remedy Using Potassium based fruits and veggies:

Studies have shown that consuming potassium-rich foods can help to lower blood pressure. Good sources of potassium include bananas, oranges, spinach, and zucchini. Baked Potatoes are the best for lowering the blood pressure.Watermelon is another safeguard for hypertension.One or two pieces of garlic rolled in raisins, 1 cup fresh papayas, or basil or 1 tsp fenugreek seeds in the morning also helps in reducing the high blood pressure.

3.Using Black Seed Oil:

Black seed  oil contains a number of active ingredients that have been shown to help reduce cholesterol and control high blood pressure. Therefore, to reduce excess blood pressure simply take one teaspoon of Black Seed oil daily. Black Seed Oil can also be mixed into juice or tea if you don't like the taste of the raw oil.

4.High Blood Pressure Home Remedy Using Celery:
Research has shown that celery can help to lower blood pressure. Compounds found in the oil of celery can relax and dilate the muscles that line the arteries, which helps to regulate blood pressure. Therefore, simply eating a few stalks of celery per day as a simple snack at lunch can help significantly. 

If you have high blood pressure ,then avoid beef,any processed meat like hot dog,shrimp,lobster,salty food.

If the symptoms are severe ,then you should consult a doctor.