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Fried Zucchini Flowers

I have planted  zucchini this year and lots of flowers coming in  but none of the flowers turned into fruites and fell off then I searched net and found that those are male flowers that fall off. Usually the male flowers  have thin stem  beneath the flower and the female flowers have thick stem. So, one can easily make some  cripsy snackes with the male zucchini flowers.
So, finally I came to know that all of my plants are male plants that only bore male flowers with only very few like 2 or 3 female flowers. Still I haven't seen any zucchini in my garden.

Prep Time: 5 Minutes 
Fry time:  6 to 8 minutes

8 to 9 zucchini flowers not the open one, the closed flowers will be better
1 cup flour or besan
Water to make thick paste or you can use one egg
Salt to taste
Oil to fry around 2 cups

For some exotic flavor, you can add pinch of
cumin,garlic,chili powder and choppe basil or cilantro leaves.

  1. Cut stems to about 1 inch.Gently remove the pistil from each flower.
  2. Rinse them very lightly and quickly .Pat dry.
  3. In a small skillet, heat the oil slowly over medium-high heat to frying temperature.
  4. While the oil is heating, gradually whisk the flour or besan into water to obtain a thin cream.
  5.  When ready to fry, take a blossom by its stem, dip it in the batter and drop the coated blossom/flower in the hot oil to sizzle and fry until crisp and golden.
  6. When all the blossoms are done, sprinkle with a bit more salt and serve right away with your favorit sauce.
Enjoy and have fun.