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Home Remedy for Cellulite

Cellulite is a skin problem that can affect anyone, including men, women and children. However, women are often affected the most, with 95% of all women suffering from this condition to some extent. It is visually characterized by bulging, pitted, wrinkled, and dimpled skin on the abdomen, buttocks, hips, and thighs which occur due to fatty deposits that are concentrated in these areas.

Natural Home Remedy from Your Own Kitchen:

Using Apple Cider Vinegar:

  • Mix 2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar into an 8 ounce glass of water.
  • Optionally add a small amount of honey as a sweetener
  • Drink this once in each morning.
Using Coconut Oil:
Coconut oil massage is very effective in treating cellulite problems.

Drinking Water:
Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water everyday to keep yourself fresh and hydrated.It can help in reducing cellulite problem.

Taking Healthy Diet:
Take a healthy balanced diet including fruits,green vegetables,fiber-rich vegetables to keep the cellulite problem to the  minimum.

Eating and Rubbing Grapefruit:

Eating and rubbing the juice of grapefruit in the affected area can  be helpful in the treatment of cellulite.

Using Coffee Powder: 

Mix herbal body lotion and coffee powder and apply in the affected area and let it dry  and wash  the area with water.Do it for couple of days and see the result.

Do exercise, domestic work like cooking,dusting and other household work since they can help in  burning the extra fat from your body.

What to avoid: 

  • Avoid fatty and oily food.
  • Avoid excess salt in your diet.
  • Avoid junk foods.Keep yourself away from tea and coffee.
  • Avoid alcohol and smoking habit since they can make the cellulite problem worse.